PreserVision and other supplements are taken by millions to
prevent blindness from age-related macular degeneration.


While beneficial for most, careful studies now show that 1/6 of people are harmed. This is related to an individual immune reaction triggered by zinc resulting in retinal damage.


Macula Risk is a simple, inexpensive cheek swab test to tell you if eye vitamins are for you. It was invented by a team of medical doctors, including a past president of the American Society of Retina Specialists. Macula Risk is offered to save vision.

Your Genetic Profile

New studies into human genetics reveal that humans have a unique response to eye-care supplements and one size does not necessarily fit all.

Studies Show

30 percent of patients experience very significant benefit and should take zinc-containing supplements as currently formulated. But 15 percent of patients are harmed when taking zinc: they experience TWICE the rate of progression to advanced, wet AMD compared to taking no supplement at all. These people should not take the AREDS formulation with zinc, as it can result in earlier blindness.


Taking a pure carotenoid supplement (marigold extracts and others) without zinc isn’t the answer either, because zinc is a sight saver for 30% of people.


One’s response to eye-care supplements is determined by one’s genetic profile.

Who endorses this approach?

Over 2500 country-wide leading retina and ophthalmology practices understand personalize AMD treatment and use this genetic testing service – provided by our CLIA-regulated laboratory.

Arctic Medical laboratories is physician operated and has a mission to save sight through affordable genetic testing and education.


Arctic Medical Labs is focused on finding those people who are hastening blindness through
inappropriate AREDS use. We want to tell you more. Please drop us a line through the link
below. We will be in touch with you in a day or so.


Find Out More

One of our Care Specialists will contact you by email to provide you with more information and answer all your questions.

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